Modification Presets X plugin between QC and computer

Hi ! Have you an idea about modification X Presets between QC and computer? Is it the X plugin presets in computer master and QC slave ? If I modify a preset Plini X in my QC, the preset in my Mac plugin will be affected ? Or it’s only in the other way ?
Thx a lot!

With the upcoming (31th July) CorOs 3.0.0 , there’s no preset conversion from Plugin to QC or QC to Plugin.

Ndsp said that the conversion between PlugIn to QC will be available later (there’s no time frame, but safe to assume that it will be part of the 3.1 wave).

Conversion from QC to Plugin was never told about. It might be much more difficult to implement (if ever possible) due to the fact that the QC have a ‘freeform’ building blocks layout , as opposed to a ‘fixed layout’ in the Plugins.
I don’t think that a conversion from QC Preset to PlugIn Preset is possible.


Thx Ben ! I don’t talk about conversion, technically. I read what Neural say about how the transition X pluggin is made between QC and computer. I only ask about presets. Preset settings to be precise.

That’s what I was talking about: preset conversion.

From what has been said in the ‘Development update’ Blog, Cortex Control (the desktop app that allow you to ‘remote control’ your QC) will be updated in order to allow preset conversion between NDSP computer plugins and QC (but not the other way around).

Having both the QC running and a NDSP plugin opened on your computer will do nothing, there’s no direct contact between them.

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Hum ok! I Anderstand. Thx Ben