How do I get this tone (Halo 2 John Mayer Epilogue)

Hi. I am not that good with fiddling around with all the settings (yet) and new to guitar in general. Could someone guide me into the direction on how to get this spacey tone?


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If it is John Mayer the guitarist (which seems so playwise) it is a Dumblish Amplifier and Tube Screamer/Klon Style Pedal.

I did a preset of this I originally found on Youtube (you will read in the description) to download and test. Switch through the different scenes to obtain the best possible matching sound. Anything with a Tubescreamer and/or Klon should do it.

Usually he uses a Strat-Style Guitar on Neck position:


You made my day, thank you for the fast reply. I cannot wait to try them out. WTLI is my favorite album.

Have a great weekend.

If you haven’t seen it, Brian V. just posted a great video from Davlav demonstrating a nice Mayer-esq preset.


Thanks again by the way i still use your preset today it helped me a lot back then.

You are very welcome :slight_smile: I too use it a lot in a Band Context for my clean / blues & Blues Rock songs (and toto)

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