Good IEM for QC


Yesterday I had a gig which I left with mixed feelings. The QC sounded amazing FOH but no so at my IEM. I use a KZ Pro (cheap) unit so maybe this is the issue? This IEM sound great for everything else vocals, keyboards and even bass (!) but trebly and harsh for my guitar?

I connect XLR Out (L and R) to FOH and they feed me the guitar channel to my IEM.

It happens everytime on every gig with IEM, regardless of sound team, venue, etc.

Any recommended IEM phones to use? What do you guys use on stage?

Many thanks

Anyone? Sorry to insist but I have a gig next week and would really like to know your choices :slight_smile:

I appreciate any help in this matter

If the IEMs work great for everything else, it suggests an EQ issue for your guitar signal.
Do you have the option to EQ it separately for your IEMs so that it doesn’t affect FOH? You could either duplicate the guitar track in your mixer and EQ it separately there, or put the QC global EQ just on one output on the QC and use that output for IEMs with the original going to FOH.

That is what puzzles me… the IEM works good for other instruments and sounds almost the same as FOH… except the guitar that sounds full, fat, amazing at FOH but sound tiny, brittle and harsh on the IEM. I don’t have the option of EQ separately unfortunately…

Guitars are much more sensitive to slight EQ changes given how much of the frequency spectrum they cover.

Another complex/hacky option would be to EQ the guitar channel on the desk to improve the IEM sound, then EQ the main PA speakers to compensate for the changes. This does risk compromising the FOH sound for everything else though.

Otherwise, just live with the IEM sound. I use the KZ’s as well, but just for click and synths, I keep a guitar cab on stage for backline sound reinforcement. That has the opposite issue however: plenty of full, low end, but not much clarity as the IEMs block out a lot of stage top end.

Hi everyone!
I used to monitor with the exact same InEars and had the exact same issue: a trebly and harsh guitar sound. No fun at all when playing!
Then I bought a better, more expensive pair of inears (audio technica, around €340), just to give it a try. Problem solved, no harshness anymore! Maybe this helps.

I have similar experience with the KZPro. I personally don’t like the sound of the guitar / monitor mix with these inears. I use Stagg SPM435, I think these are much better for the job (but not brilliant). I used to have (original) Shure SE535 I my opinion those are much better. Unfortunately they broke and could not be repaired. FYI I am not an expert on inear monitor, I thought just to share my opinion.

Ultimate Ears are the best. And worth every penny.

Check out Scott Uhl’s YouTube channel. He’s pretty much the expert on these.

I have never liked guitar tones in headphones.

I have used cheap iem’s, mid level shures and a pair of KZ and I always found the guitar overly aggressive and harsh.

The only time I have liked guitar tones in headphones is during recording, when the entire mix is feed to me via the interface.

I wish I loved what I hear when i have iems

Check if FOH is sending phantom power to the QC. The phantom power messes with the tone. If they can switch it off, that would be great. I had this happen awhile back but couldn’t get the phantom power switched off. I ended up sticking a DI in between which helped tremendously. I use a pair of KZs too btw & yes, they lean toward the brighter side of the EQ…

I understand the limitations of IEMs vs having an amp / wedge push some air at you.

I just use the classic iPod earbuds that have the 3.5mm connection. They fit my ears well enough and have enough frequency range to make things seem fine.

And you can get backups for <$10