Envelope Filter setting to change sweep direction (ala U2 Mysterious Ways)

Right now the envelope filter only sweeps from low pass to high pass. Would love a setting in there for it to go in the opposite direction.

Basically something that would allow us to replicate that U2 mysterious ways effect.

Looks like the existing parameters would get most of the way there, just need the ability to make the sweep go in the opposite direction.

Try the Love Meat filter, it has an up/down switch.


How in the world did I miss that

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The “Meatball” is a really complex filter pedal. You can get an insane amount of different filter sounds out of it. I’d say it’s the best envelope filter pedal ever made. I even built a few clones, some I sold, one I still have. Some settings will create no sound though, so you have to tweak carefully.

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After spending a few days playing with it, I do think the envelope filter with an added sweep direction would allow me to nail the mysterious ways effect. It has all the proper parameters with the sensitivity, attack decay. It simply needs the directions switch.

Meatball gets you in the ballpark, but the envelope filter with the sweep direction toggle I think gets you all the way there.

I would suspect this would be fairly simple to implement given you have already done it for other filter effects.

Low hanging fruit? :slight_smile: