This feature request stems from the not so often mentioned fact that different modules on the four DSP lanes - which represent the four SHARC cores - vary in calculation complexity and might lead to a higher latency than we might expect.
It would be an awesome feature to have a visible DSP latency display on the unit (which is definitely possible - the QC always “knows” how long it takes because it applies latency delay compensation to:
• Core 2 when only using Core 1
• All the Cores as soon as a module is placed on rows 3+4
Obviously nobody is talking about it and the Neural DSP developers forgot to implement it so I had to develop a workaround, which is more complicated than just such a display.
In any case, knowing the DSP latency of the unit would make applications easier as it’s not so easy to trial&error-combine the various models and effects for the sound I’m looking for.
Best regards,