DI capture + IR vs capture with cab - which is more accurate?

Happy Thanksgiving from Nashville everyone!

So while I was waiting for my turkey to roast, I performed a little science experiment.

Here’s what I used: Mid 60’s Vox Ac30 into a 1-12 cab with a Celestion Blue Alnico speaker. Mic’ed with an SM57 and a Fat Head ribbon mic through a Chander TG2 preamp so I could blend the mics together nicely. I dialed up a nice low to mid breakup sound.

I first did a capture of the amp & cab together. Then a DI capture of the amp. Then immediately make an IR of the cab with the same mics and pre settings. Nothing moved. Then I had an idea. After doing the IR, I though I’d see what happens if I just capture the cabinet as a separate capture and use it with the DI amp capture. It took a little tweaking to get the DI capture and the cabinet capture to play along (a gain structure thing) But the results are interesting and if perfected, might be an option. I’ve noticed that the QC’s IR module adds a little more latency than just using 2 captures in a series.

Then I hooked up my 335 and recorded some guitar bits into pro tools with a DI. Then ran it back through the QC and recorded each preset back into pro tools. Then I did the Ac30 by itself. I’ve level matched the final files in pro tools so the comparison would be best. But other than that, nothing was added or changed in any way.

I’ve made the presets public on my profile. So find me and I’ll share them so you can mess around with them. (sleiweke)

Here’s a download link to the audio files so you can hear them and compare the results.

The IR I made is also included.

Let me know your thoughts.