Colour Coding Captures

Hello everyone

Downloaded @xush‘s cool meris captures and saw there’s an extra nice visual touch to them: The letters and LED’s are colourcoded orange :+1:t2: :tangerine: :grinning:. Splash :boom:. Is that something you did xush, as an option? Orange is cool, but most of the other’s I’ve dialed through are white/blueish, so…?

Does anybody know it in case we users also can alter the capture colours ourselves, to our liking/taste?

Or simply to generally match the whole QC colourcoding, for EQ’s; red for cabs; white for filters etc. It’s not always obvious what effect or unit type a capture is, a lot of them having really creative names or a name of a thingy you don’t know about.


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I didn’t customize anything colorwise, I don’t think you can (yet).
But with the 2.0 update they introduced capture categories that are represented graphically on the QC. Orange = pedal. Red = amp, etc- and they have specific icons for each type. They’re not customizable yet, but you can change the icon assigned to a downloaded capture (or its name) by finding it in its root folder and choosing ‘edit’ from its context menu. This is useful if you have any downloaded captures that weren’t assigned a specific category by the original user/creator.
Screenshot 2023-04-03 141115


:grinning:Awesome @xush, thanx again. Knew about the name changing, but not the icon changing. Think you’re right about it could come then, in a later update some day.



I think customisable colours for captures would not be good for useability. Right now the colours are as they should be, they match the rest of the QC interface. If they were customisable, when someone puts out a pedal capture that’s red, then it’ll look like an amp block on the grid.


Hi @Aleksi
You might have a point there. Am sure Neural will check it out, should it catch their interest. The way I experienced the splash of colour coding just worked for me, to make the capture stand out for what it is. Might not work that way for everyone though, wanting a more subtle design. Therefore the suggestion as being optional for the specific set of colour coding. What we do with our own QC U/I colours is an individual call.

It could be a help for some + adding an aesthetics choice.


The only issue with the current system is that captures done before the 2.0 update are not colour/symbol coded unless someone updates them, so it’s impossible to tell what they are from just looking at them in the grid.

Thanx for taking your time @Aleksi Haven’t observed that, focusing just on the immediate, but well spotted. So there’s a list of to-do’s before this could be practical. That’s QC for ‘ya :sweat_smile:


if YOU know what it is, even if it’s from another user, you can edit the icon once it’s DL’d onto your QC so it would be distinguishable on the grid.


Sorry, I was a bit unclear. That is indeed possible