Clean Jazzer seeks Fender Custom Vibrasonic Capture - single 15” low volume (2-3)…

I’ve tried a lot of amps. Nothing comes close for the PAFs in my super 4 to the Fender Vibrasonic. The 1995-1996 BZ. Healthy reverb(7-8); EQ knobs basically 7-8-7 for low-mid-high. I would carry it everywhere I go but it weighs about 750 lbs (ok, not that much). But it’s not practical for non-cartage gigs…
Anybody know if a QC-savvy guru has captured such a non-rocker combo/amp/cab for QC? Guitar Channel preferred. If someone has it or knows where it is, …or will do it I’ll send you a recording of my rendition of “I Could Write a Book!” Am I gonna have to get a couple cables and do this?
-Sore back jazzer

Unless someone knows of one quickly, searching through the cortex cloud could be tedious and prove unfruitful.
Do you have mics/ preamps/ any kind of home studio setup? if so, you’re probably better off capturing your amp to your liking.
If you only need a couple of cables, that would be my suggesstion. Just takes a little time/patience.

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I have read that the Fender Vibrasonic amp is basically an AB763 Twin Reverb circuit with a 15" speaker. You could probably pull it off with a Twin DI capture and a 15" speaker/IR loaded in a cab block. Amalgam has some Twin DI captures:

Thanks for the thought - I was worried about doing it because all I have is an SM-57 as a mic. But maybe I could borrow a good one for just this process. I thought I’d need a fancy mic to get the full frequency. Do you think Sm-57 would suffice?

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The SM57 is a tried and true mic choice for recording amps and cabs. It’s the first mic I reach for. I place it close to the grill off axis where the dust cap meets the cone. I wouldn’t hesitate to try it or some captures.


What a cool idea. I saw some notes online that the Vibrasonic is a Twin circuit, but I also saw from the engineer who designed it that it has “Nashville Mods,” that make it clearer and louder - not sure what that means, but I will say it is darn clear. I also really like the old school reverb. I will try the Amalgam idea - but I saw they have the BFTWN “QC” which is what I need - instead of ToneX. Also, I’m not sure what they mean by adding “DI” at the end of a capture name. I’m guessing Direct Input but that seems sort of irrelevant ?

I’m going to go for it - will let you know what happens. I just love the frequency response of the real amp because to me it sounds “flat” - with no midrange fiddling. And incredible low frequency clarity.

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DI means they captured just the head direct out using a load box, so no microphone on the speaker. In that case you would use the capture with a cab or IR block with the speaker of your choice. Good catch on the Tonex vs QC, I wasn’t paying attention, sorry for the bad link.

yeesh - so if I’m serious about capturing my unit (a combo), I’d have to do that (DI) and separately wire the speaker/cab to get that stage… The problem is that I know too much about electronics engineering to think ther is no “nuanced” interdependency between that amp and the specific 15" speaker that designer Bruce Zinky selected/specified. Those old analog guys designed with the whole “circuit” in mind. And the impedence, etc. and/or load of the speaker matters. Guess, I’ll try mic on speaker first. Maybe a combo capture can retain the Amp-Speaker Magic…

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Definitely not. To make a DI capture you need a load box. You would be much better off making a capture with your SM57.
The DI part pertains to the Amalgam captures. They offer captures both ways; captured with a mic in front of a speaker and DI so you can choose your own IR. I only suggested going the DI route because your amp has a 15" speaker.

Sorry for being so nube on all this - but do you think anyone has captured a 15" cab that might be similar to the Custom Vibrasonic?

I think that amp has a JBL D130 in it:

If you’re interested, I have some captures I did of my Polytone Mini Brute III and IV. I also have captures that I did of my Twin Reverbs. I have a '73 that was black faced with JBL E120s and a '79 that was modified with eminence betas. I also did direct captures with no speaker. Mick8187

I would really appreciate testing your captures. The Custom Vibrasonic I have is a single 15” Eminence speaker - I believe it’s original (‘95-96). And it sounds really great. My physical amps are the Custom Vibrasonic, and a Deluxe Reverb ‘66 (Blackface). FDR is nice, but Vibro tops it for clean and effortless surround. I’ll try to message you directly.