If I have a preset with a downloaded capture and delete the capture from the library is the preset still functioning?
Is the result different for captures in one of the capture slots on the Nano?
Is there a way to see if a capture in the library (or in a slot on Nano) is currently in use by a preset?
Is there a way to create and name folders in library so I can manage downloads instead of having an ever growing random list?
If I have a preset with a downloaded capture and delete the capture from the library is the preset still functioning?
No, the capture needs to be in your Nano capture library for presets to work. If you delete a capture the preset fails and if you download the same capture again into your Nano the preset will start working again.
Is the result different for captures in one of the capture slots on the Nano?
No, same thing there. The capture banks and it’s 25 slots depends on the captures being in your capture library on your Nano. Capture banks are just some kind of pre-loaded memory slots that makes switching between them fast and seamless.
Is there a way to see if a capture in the library (or in a slot on Nano) is currently in use by a preset?
Not that I know of. Don’t think there is.
Is there a way to create and name folders in library so I can manage downloads instead of having an ever growing random list?
That is unfortunate they haven’t done anything significant about data management in all these years!
Overall great hardware design handicapped by software design.
Captures can sound great…if you can keep track of the good ones you stumble upon but the more good ones you harvest the harder it becomes to make use of them!
You would have to name your presets the same as the capture file is named and then somehow memorize the names as being associated with the real world amps they were captured from. Considering how all the captures are getting named by all the different users that becomes an impossible new language to both create and memorize.
The Nano is new, I think there’s still a lot of good improvements coming over time.
When I got my Nano I went overboard downloading amp captures like crazy so I ended up doing a factory reset quite a few times to just start on a clean slate. Was really good way to learn the unit for me.
The “Downloaded Neural Captures” available over at https://cloud.neuraldsp.com/cloud/profile/downloaded-captures it’s quite easy to manage the download history to keep track of things I want to keep and stuff I want to loose.
Does that History link to the Library in the Nano? So deleting from the History Folder removes it from Library in Nano?
I’m trying to understand how to make use of it in a way I can remove any downloads I don’t currently have used in a preset.
If the Library simply kept a check mark beside any capture in use, even if it didn’t indicate which preset or multiple presets a capture was used in, it would be very helpful. Especially if you could elect to delete any captures without the checkmark!
Seems like a very simple thing.
I had a Quad Cortex, twice, I sold it both times out of frustration over content management. Sounds great … when you aren’t screaming !WTF?! at it…
I assumed things had been sorted out (pardon the pun) by now.
No, you can delete items in the “Downloaded Neural Captures” over att cloud.neuraldsp.com without this affecting whatever you have actually added to your Nano Cortex pedal library.
And, somewhat confusing the same list “Downloaded Neural Captures” under the profile pages in the app (I’m on iPhone) does not allow us to delete a capture from the history list. (I hope this will change.)
I do agree that there are things that can be improved in the app that will make it even better. A lot boils down to usability features in the application in my humble opinion.