Can we have the digitech freqout pedal

Would be cool guys if you could get an effect like the Digitech freqout pedal be added to get some feedback sustain going on ,it’s one pedal that’s quite common in pedalboards.


I wonder if this could also be achieved by them just creating a momentary option for a block. You could set a (momentary) splitter that could go to a row with any combination of sounds. That would be awesome.


I love mine even if i use it simply for on first hamonic feeback. It would be great to have in QC.

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Yes pls! Voted. :slight_smile:

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I wish it has amp feedback simulator as this will increase sensation of QC as guitar amp

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there are a few feature requests for the digitech freqout pedal, this is exactly what we’re looking for. Go vote!

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Voted. Is there anyway to see all request features with votes in one table?

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If you go to the feature requests category, then click votes at the top, it will sort all feature requests by vote. Hope that’s what you’re after.


Merged into the Freqout feature request for more visibility :slight_smile:


so now that i’m thinking about this, i dunno if the effect could function the same way as the physical pedal due to the momentary switch - however it would work really well with an expression pedal.

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Yes, this is a must have pedal in todays lower volume live music scene. It gives you feedback without having to have the amp cranked to 11. I would love to see this in the QC.

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I’d be more concerned about the Harman patents used for this. The FreqOut effect is based on reversing the anti-feedback algorithms originally created by dbx. Dunno how old the algos are but they might still have patents in effect.

Would be great to have this combined with the sustainer we already have on the QC this would give us an effect similar to a fernandes sustainer pickup.

It’s literally the only pedal I have hooked up before the QC. Could this go beyond the freqout & be polyphonic?

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This is a good idea :slight_smile:

Would LOVE this, good feedback is such an underappreciated part of a guitar sound

Blue Cat Audio has a plugin version of this effect called the AcouFiend of this that’s pretty fantastic, very comparable to the FreqOut. this is literally the one effect I long for on the QC. it’s super fun to use.

I ended up installing a sustaniac system in a PRS SE Tremonti guitar I have, indefinite sustain and feedback at a flick of a switch, the install was abit of a pain thru.

Problem solved


Hahaha. Brilliant.
Imagine having it as a model on the QC with the programmability and expression pedal.