Archetype Gojira or Nolly?

Which one do you guys prefer ? Nolly or Gojira. I seem to find both of them somewhat fuzzy in distortion with nolly being more fuzzy and gojira being more sharper. What are your takes on this ?

Played both. Own Nolly. The ‘Tanbouz is a Legend’ preset is a sharp one, and gives me He Is Legend fix I so dearly love. Just personal preference for my taste though. Did you settle on one specifically?

Gojira all the way, the pedal section rules !

I’ve settled with Gojira for now , covers a huge range without much tinkering.
Ocassionaly i switch to Nameless as well for some Lamb of God.

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What do you think of the pitch shifting in the plugin?

its so good I set up a preset to only use the pitch section (pedal) on a channel strip so I can tune down anything, I also got the Kuassa Whamo but it adds noise as part of its character I guess, NDSP pitch is very clean, stable., some of the others break up depending on the frequency.

yep the pitch section is really cool, do we require a midi or something to use it easiliy ?

Do you have any midi pedal board with CC? you can buy one for $15 on aliexpress now, a student of mine brought me one with a $9 expression pedal and it did wonders, you can also find the Behringer FCP1010 for roughly $30 used these days and add a $10 wireless midi adapter again on aliexpress and control it using CC., , you will toss your digitech whammy in the closet once you set this up, it has way way more options., I like it more then Kuassa’s wham pedal, which is nice too but not transparent.