AFD100 model

First of all a big thank you to the Neural team for all their amazing work with the QC… it is an amazing product and CorOS1.3 just took it to the next level. I have no regrets in moving over from Kemper :slight_smile:

I really love the Jubilee models… they are perfect.
I would love an AFD100 model… just thought I would ask here :slight_smile:

Thanks again for your great work!

Awesome amp, had two of those heads, shame I had to sell them because you can’t have it all:/

Very interesting design. I’m curious, does the built-in power attenuator alter the tone much or just reduce the volume while still driving the output stage?

There are some good captures on the Cortex Cloud i use myself.
I love that amp, had it when it came out but sold it unfortunately (i was young and stupid i guess :smiley: )
@PickinPete it sounded really like it would driving the output, but i could be wrong.
The AFD mode was really getting saturated when i was putting the master up to 7 and went up with the attenuation too.

The #34 sounded good when driving the amp to 6-8 Master without attenuation.

Yeah, pushing those output tubes is a whole different sound than you get from preamp distortion. Nice to be able to do both without sterilizating the cat. :wink:

Any news about this? I would love to see this amp in the QC.