Adding notes (text based)

When entering a project, I keep notes on particulars… what if there was a means of adding notes in the cortex with the ability to attach them to whatever is relevant.

when using dream chorus in (st) turn sync off.

Or when using capture “whatever” dial bass -4 db with gain +3db.

Added notes could be indicated by quantity (perhaps) with a circled number by the block/preset/etc.

The notes could even be snapshots of a block to later be shared.

Im cleaned out of votes. Wonder if this would be helpful to anyone?

To simplify development, I would suggest to just have a simple text box for each preset, just to make quick notes for our future selves. So you can write down your comments/guitar settings/thoughts. Add a small button with an icon that brings up a empty fullscreen text field and the virtual keyboard. On top right a button to close it. Just like in the Cortex Cloud