Actual need for IR?

There are 2 Voiceprint captures on the Cloud already, so I’m pretty sure you should be able to capture your fav IRs directly from the pedal to the QC. I’ve converted a bunch of acoustic IRs to captures this way and they work great (plus they probably use less DSP)

I agree. I’m getting the best acoustic tones that I’ve ever gotten on stage from using a “Tommy Emanuel” IR with my two piezo equipped Kiesel electrics. A good IR can add that acoustic body resonance that all the EQ and compression tweeking in the world can’t duplicate. The QC is a big part of that tone, though. I imported and converted the IR from my old Fractal AX8. It sounded good on the AX8 but it sounds more warm yet open on the QC. I think the far superior compression and EQ in the QC are a big part of that. I need to set up a preset for my Taylor 814 soon.

Capturing was my short term plan. I figured I would capture the voiceprint and align session pedal together and separate and see how each come out. I really haven’t even touched the knobs on either since I got them where I liked them. I mainly adjust the pedals after those.

I’m just noting it would be nice to be able to take and use the IRs from voiceprint other places. The capture process is stupid easy for pedals in QC which is a huge plus.

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