Using Quad Cortex to a PA AND to a FRFR speaker

Hi. I have been using the QC for a while now and have a good sound from my Laney FRFR speaker. However, I now want to push my guitar to a PA system (FRFR speaker was getting a bit lost), BUT, I want to retain the FRFR speaker. Do I just connect Output 1 and 2 to the PA and Output 3 to my speaker and have outputs set to “ALL” on the QC??
Also, I read a post that said to make sure your paths are set to Mono or Stereo - I am interested in running stereo to the PA - where do I check the mono or stereo settings and can I send Stereo to the PA and to my FRFR?
Thanks for any help.

There are probably several ways you can solve this.

  1. Your described way… You “have” to go mono for this to work (as far as i can tell you’ll just end up with a bad stereo in your FRFR)
    If you assign the volume wheel to output 3, your signal from output 1&2 should be at unity, and you can controll the volume on yout FRFR.

  2. If you have available paths, you can have a stereo patch in path 1&2 and send stereo to the PA. And copy you patch to path 3 or 4, but have this mono and send path to output 3. Also assign your volumeknob to the FRFR path for easy adjustments

Hey. Thank for taking the time to reply.
I’ll try what you have suggested.