Use the two foots actually assigned to changing preset, to change scene/stomp

Hi everyone,
I would like to suggest a possible improvement regarding the footswitch assignment for scenes/stomp.
I usually use only one preset on stage, setting the Quad Cortex in Hybrid mode. Normally, a single preset covers all the tonal possibilities required in my music, but I often find myself cloning the same preset just to change a previous footswitch assignment (from a chorus to an octaver, for example). The two footswitches dedicated to preset changes are, therefore, almost always unused 99% of the time.
It would be great to add a software feature to allow assigning something, whether a scene or a stomp, to these two switches as well.
For example, a mode similar to the one that allows switching from tuner to tap tempo: with a single press, you use the scene or stomp of that preset, and with a double press of the switch, you change the preset.
Thanks and keep up the good work.

There are already a billion requests for expanded footswitch functions. These collectively have the most amount of votes, look here:

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Ok, thank you for your answer