Tone King Imperial on the Quad Cortex

The Tone King Imperial computer plugin is very good and useful.

Are there plans to offer the Tone King Imperial on the Quad Cortex as plugin?

If so, when?

How is this a feature request? It isn’t going to be for a while since this hasn’t even been mentioned by neural for the upcoming plugins

we are keeping the officially announced schedule for Plugin conversions (PCOM) updated at this site: PCOM Schedule - Quad Cortex Wiki

Other than that, we don’t have any info, other than that NDSP has said they are planning to port all existing plugins to the QC

For now, we have to make due with the Factory Captures of the TK on the QC

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It’s on the way, sit tight.

Today I learned there is a QC wiki :slight_smile:

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For how long at this rate?

“unannounced (12): Abasi, Asato, Morello, Darkglass, Cali, NTS, Mesa, Morgan, Grano, Tone King”

No one knows. Play some guitar.

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Since the Tone King MKII creator mentioned that he was ‘inspired’ by the Fender Deluxe Reverb and Fender Tweed Deluxe (see page 1 of , I find that the newly updated/added US DLX 64 Vintage and US DLX 65 Reissue are really nice for this kind of tone.

The Tone King MKII has its own character, but until they ported it to the QC, it would be you best option (beside Captures, of course…).

It will probably be ported, like the others, but I wouldn’t hold my breath for a quick port… (1 year / 1 year and a half would be safe, if I would place a bet….)