Different way to edit the fx

The Nano Cortex is barely out, and I think the way to edit fx settings on the unit is really dumb and cumbersome.

I propose a much simpler way:

Fx button toggles between “Amp layer” and “Fx layer”.

In fx layer, the knobs on the unit change to represent the single parameter for each effect, and its current amount.

It could be:

  1. Gain: Noise gate threshold
  2. Bass: Transpose semitones
  3. Mid: Modulation depth
  4. Treble: Delay mix
  5. Amount: Reverb mix
  6. Level: remains the same.

It could show the previous (from last Fx button press) or saved preset value as a single LED lit on the knob so you can get back to the previous setting easily.

Toggling fx on/off could be done by turning knobs to zero or pressing the buttons while in fx layer:

  • Exit: Transpose on/off
  • Capture: Modulation on/off
  • Save: Delay on/off

Reverb and gate have to be toggled turning the knob down since there’s not enough buttons.


  • Overview of all fx amounts with one glance.
  • Editing all fx amounts at once.
  • Saves you tons of clicks to cycle effects.
  • Easy to toggle any effect: turn its knob to zero (or the button approach).