I am an occasional user of the plug-ins and actually an amateur guitarist who has a lot of fun with them.
Nevertheless, I use the plug-ins on a WIN10 PC and on a MacBook Pro AppleM3 Max.
On the WIN PC I can open the folder with the Matrix files to a PlugIn, but when I save a Matrix on the Macbook I can’t find a file with the Matrix name.
Does anyone know how I can find the different matrix files on the MAC?
Hi @Maschi999 ,
If by Matrix files you mean MIDI configuration files, on Mac the MIDI xml files are here: '/Users/ Your User Name /Library/Application Support/Neural DSP’
The Mac OS is very good at keeping our naughty fingers out of the system folders, so if you don’t see the folder in Finder, use the Finder menu → Go → Go to Folder → paste the full path to the desired folder.
Sorry for the late answer. I was very bussy.
There is no folder path on my MAC HD as you showed in the screenshoot. Furthermore i didn’t find any file, ending with map.xml